Guide to Checking NECO 2023/2024 Result Using Scratch Card or Token and How to Secure Admission without JAMB Using Your Neco Result. In this article, we will provide you with instructions on how to … [Read More...]
KWASU Academic Calendar For The 2017/2018 Academic Session
Kwara State University, KWASU Academic Calendar for the 2017/2018 academic session. KWASU ACADEMIC CALENDAR FOR 2017/2018. The 2017/2018 Academic Calendar For Kwara State University, KWASU is out. It consists of the Harmattan and Rain Semesters and eight-week summer or long vacation session. The different semesters is made up of 15 weeks of instruction and One week of … [Read more...]
List of Courses Offered in Kwara State University, KWASU (Latest List)
The Courses offered in Kwasu is our major topic for this post. Do you want to study in Kwara State University (Kwasu) but still wondering if they offer your course of choice? Here are the Official List of Courses offered in Kwasu . Below, we have provided the official list of department and Courses offered in Kwasu . This List is the complete available list of kwara State … [Read more...]
Kwara State University (KWASU) Admission Screening form is out- 2017/18
Kwara state university, KWASU Admission Screening Form (2017/18) Is now available for Direct Entry, DE and JAMB candidates The Management of Kwara State university (KWASU) hereby invites all suitably qualified UTME/DE candidates into its undergraduate programme via admission screening exercise for the 2017/2018 academic session.KWASU ADMISSION SCREENING ELIGIBILITYKWASU … [Read more...]
KWASU First Batch Admission List for 2017/2018 is Out.
Kwara State University, KWASU admission list for the 2017/2018 academic session is out. The admission list released is the first batch for 2017/2018 Session.We want to inform all Applicants that did kwara state University, KWASU screening exercise the the university management just released the first batch admission list for 2017/2018 academic Session.KWASU 1st Batch admission … [Read more...]
KWASU post UTME form is out For 2017/2018 Session.
Kwara State University, KWASU Pre-Admission Screening or post ume form is Out for the 2017/2018 academic session. KWASU post UTME form is out The Kwara State University (KWASU) has commenced Undergraduate admissions processing for 2017/2018 academic session. Authority of the Kwara State University (KWASU), Malete invites all the candidates whose choice of institution in … [Read more...]