Guide to Checking NECO 2023/2024 Result Using Scratch Card or Token and How to Secure Admission without JAMB Using Your Neco Result. In this article, we will provide you with instructions on how to … [Read More...]
JAMB 2018/2019 Registration / JAMB 2018 Form Not Out
JAMB 2018/2019 is not yet out. However, Amas Nigeria will update this page and inform you about When 2018/2019 JAMB Registration Will Start On Jamb Profile.

JAMB 2018/2019 Exam Date And Registration Form Release Has Finally been decided. See When Jamb Form Would On Sale For 2018/2019 Session And Also When Registration Will Start On Jamb Profile.
Keep reading to get the latest updates on JAMB 2018/2019 .
If you are a prospective candidate for JAMB 2018/2019 cut examination and you’ve been wondering the nature of 2018 JAMB would look like, it mean the information here is just for you.
Unlike 2017 JAMB registration that started Monday 20th March to May 5th 2017, JAMB 2018/2019 would Out between December 2017 and January 2018. The exam date will likely be around March and April 2018.
Do you want to be guided on Jamb 2018/2019 form application , reprinting of examination and result slip, JAMB profile and correction of details, change of institution ?
Do you want know Jamb 2018/2019 latest news updates on Admission status, no results yet, awaiting results, change of courses and institution, With every other information about 2018 Jamb UTME And Direct entry?
If your answers to the above questions is YES, it means this information is for you . We promise that you will gain a lot of information as you read on.
JAMB 2018/2019 GUIDE
WHAT YOU SHOULD REALLY EXPECT: The 2018/2019 JAMB witness Strick registration and strict guidelines for the examination. This will help curb the issue of examination malpractice.
However, JAMB 2018/2019 will not be different from Jamb 2017 in the aspect of setting question. Just like in the past, UTME 2018 will be simple and repetition/modification of past questions.
Is It JAMB Or School That offers Admission? This question comes up yearly when students dare waiting for Admission list. A lot f students are confused if it is either JAMB or your university that gives admission.
Just as it has always been, your name is expected to appear on JAMB Website and also, your school website.
How to check your JAMB 2018/2019 Result
The joint Admission and matriculation board has released the result for those who wrote Jamb 2017’18. If you could not see your result online earlier, you may want to check again. All you need to do is visit jamb portal and login with your username and password; then click on check result in your Jamb profile.
JAMB 2018/2019 Admission Status.
As from June to November 2018, Jamb 2018/2019 Admission lists will be released. When you are finally admitted, you can then proceed to print your Jamb 2018 Admission letter.
Jamb Original result slip:
It is true that you have checked and printed your normal Jamb result slip. But that is not what you will use for your University 2018 clearance.
Your University or Polytechnic of choice will require you Origin clearance during physical clearance. Usually, Jamb sells scratch cards to enable you print Original Jamb result.
Jamb 2018/2019 Direct entry registration and screening
JAMB 2018/2019 DE: Jamb direct entry registration and screening will be announced and confirmed by the Joint Admission And Matriculation board.
If you need full direct entry admission guide for Jamb 2018/2019 , kindly click here
2018/2019 Jamb Exam Center And Slip Reprint
Jamb will send examination centers and dates for 2018 utme applicants.
i. Each candidate must have personal e-mail address and mobile phone number.
ii. Each candidate is to use his/her functional and valid personal e-mail address. The system would reject at the point of registration any already used e-mail address.
iii. Each candidate must personally create a JAMB profile.
iv. Payment for JAMB’s E-PIN-registration and the recommended reading text is done at the banks and NIPOST. Banks have also agreed to make these services available at CBT centres and JAMB State Offices.
v. Each Candidate should visit any accredited CBT centre with his/her personal details, the profile and evidence of payment.
vi. The CBT centre or JAMB State Office, supplies, at no extra cost, the prescribed reading text and the CD containing:
a) e-brochure showing guidelines on admission detailing list of tertiary institutions and available programmes of study.
b) Syllabus (e-syllabus) for the examination.
c) Step by step guide on completion of the application form.
d) A video messages from the Registrar of JAMB and a demo on how to use eight (8) keys for UTME examination without mouse. (For candidates with little familiarity with Computers).
vii. Each Candidate is to complete the online application form by supplying the required details such as name, e-mail address, L.G.A., academic qualification, etc.
viii. At the CBT centre, Candidate’s ten fingers biometric and image will be captured and uploaded.
ix. O/L and/or A/L grades are to be provided by candidates. Candidates who are awaiting result should supply the result online as soon as the results are available on JAMB’s portal.
x. Each Candidate is to collect his e-slip at the end of registration as evidence of registration.
There will be no offline registration, as all the accredited CBT centres have been empowered for real life online registration.
For Jamb 2018/2019 registration, No candidate should register at any centre other than the accredited CBT centre and JAMB State office. Any candidate who is registered outside approved centres will be identified and disqualified.
- On the 2018 registration platform, Candidates are to note that their 1 choice can be a College of Education, University, Innovation Enterprise Institutes, Polytechnics/Monotechnics, NDA (Nigerian Defence Academy) or Nigeria Police Academy.
- You are also allowed to choose Universities as your first and second respectively. Whether Federal or State.
Registration fee for the 2017 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination or Direct Entry was Five Thousand Naira (₦5,000) only. JAMB 2018/2019 would be the same.
Novel For Jamb 2018/2019
What novels are we to use for Jamb 2018? Candidates are also, as usual, to pay Five Hundred Naira (₦500) only to obtain the reading text- “In Dependence” for UTME candidates and “The Last Days at Forcados High School” for Direct Entry Candidates.
Candidates should note that E-PINS being purchased are tied to individual profile and are not transferable.
In line with the Board’s regulated registration exercise, only the accredited Computer Based Test Centres and JAMB States and FCT Offices will be allowed to register candidates.
This is to avoid exploitation, off-line registration, mismatch of candidates’ particulars and other registration-irregularities.
Check out the full list of; Jamb approved registration centers for all States
How To Register Jamb 2018/2019
After registration, a lot of students usually complain to have made one or two mistakes in the process. The best way to avoid costly mistakes during registration is by doing your registration at the various recommended centres.
2018 Jamb Profile And How To Create One
Without your JAMB profile, you cannot register for 2018 JAMB. This means that all prospective jamb candidates are expected to register their profile on JAMB website. You can check out JAMB profile registration Procedures here. It is free.
How to Register For JAMB 2018/2019
There’s is no way you will make mistakes if you follow the steps we have provided below. Kindly follow the link.
If you do not know the registration procedures for 2018 JAMB, we advise that you read it here.
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