Guide to Checking NECO 2023/2024 Result Using Scratch Card or Token and How to Secure Admission without JAMB Using Your Neco Result. In this article, we will provide you with instructions on how to … [Read More...]
7 Types Of Jamb Candidates That May Not Gain Admission In 2020
In Jamb 2020 race, two things are highly involved; It is either you gain admission or you lose admission. In as much as some candidates will gain admission without much stress in 2020 Jamb, others will not. Here, I will tell you the top reasons why you may not gain admission in 2020 and what to do. Most times, candidates blame Jamb and their school of choice for not offering … [Read more...]
FUTO Postgraduate Admission List for 2017/2018 Academic Session
Federal University of Technology, Owerri, FUTO postgraduate admission list for the 2018/2019 academic session is out. This is to inform all the candidates that applied for the Federal University of Technology, Owerri 2018/2019 academic session PG programmes admission, that the management of the institution has released list of candidates offered provisional admission into her … [Read more...]
How Much is the Current Tuition/School Fees of Bowen University, Iwo (See Here)
Bowen University School Fees- Fees for freshers students (Utme and DE) The tuition / school fees of Bowen University, Iwo is a crucial factor that must be considered before making the school your choice of institution. We know you would not want a situation whereby you are not able to pay the tuition / school fees when you are eventually considered for admission in Bowen … [Read more...]
Top 15 Most Competitive Universities In Nigeria
When we say Most competitive Universities in Nigeria , We mean the list of universities that attract highest numbers of applicants yearly. These universities are top notch universities as far as Nigeria is concerned Anytime We write articles on Jamb Cut of mark and Admission process, We always use the term " MOST COMPETITIVE UNIVERSITIES IN NIGERIA “. What really are … [Read more...]
AAUA Logo – Adekunle Ajasin University, AAUA Official Logo
AAUA Logo – Adekunle Ajasin University, AAUA Official Logo is now available on AmasNigeria. You can view and download AAUA official Logo below. ABOUT AAUA LOGO Any LOGO of any corporate institution worth its name is the manifest symbol of the soul of the institution. It is the cameo representation of the vision, aspiration and hope of the institution. The symbolism of … [Read more...]